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Leadership and Management Faculty


Our training courses under the faculty of Leadership and Management enable you to make a significant contribution to the development of your organisation for a more competitive future in an increasingly global marketplace. Under the guidance of highly skilled instructors, you will build on your skills and experience in the process of advancing your career objectives and improving your effectiveness as a manager in meeting the targets set for yourself and your teams.

The training courses presented by GEOFIDEL in leadership and management have a sharp focus on the critical competencies that are demanded in 21st century international business. This set of related courses includes the vital topics of strategic planning, team development, communication and negotiation, change management and more.  Register today to take the next step to broaden your skills in contemporary best practice and make a measurable impact that will sustain the profitable growth of your organisation in its changing business environment.


Leadership And Management Courses

  1. 21st Century Leadership Inspiring Excellence And Engagement
  2. Global Leadership Masterclass For Ceos
  3. The Board Room For Women Of Excellence
  4. Leadership And Change Management In The Digital Era
  5. Mastering High Performance Management