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Corporate Governance Faculty


Our courses on Corporate governance aim at kitting participants with skills congenial to good governance that enthrone the culture of effective performance and proficiency in organisations. This is based on our conviction that good governance breeds and sustains organisational effectiveness while bad governance produces the opposite and that competitive organisations ensure that they install good corporate governance on their shores by building the capacity of their personnel to imbibe the traits of good governance.

Participants will be greatly enriched and organisations sponsoring their staff will be rewarded with great value-for-their-money, as their staff attending these courses will return with brighter ideas that have the potential of advancing the organisations beyond their expectations, when implemented.\

Corporate Governance Courses 

  1. Global Best Practice In Corporate Governance
  2. Effective Public Sector Corporate Governance
  3. Corporate Culture And Performance
  4. Public Sector Governance And Ethics
  5. Corporate Policy Formulation And Implementation